McMagic Moments
The Fourth Wall |
09 Feb 2019
“His humour is quick and punchy, but it is his magic that is truly impressive. Like a good comedian, he leads you down the garden path of one direction and then pow, he surprises with a super mesmerising trick that just leaves you clapping and looking at the other audience members in awe.”

Split Lip
Out In Perth |
09 Feb 2019
"The concept is solid, engaging and well-executed."

Pitch Slapped
Fringefeed |
09 Feb 2019
"Performers were clicking, clapping and stamping to the beat. The end result was beautiful music that speaks to your soul."

Fringefeed |
08 Feb 2019
"Bold, confident, in-your-face circus that takes it to the next level with masterful performances and a sprinkling of attitude, all set to an awesome hip hop score."