Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Mikhalina Dombrovskaya | 08 February 2019

PHAT CAB CLUB is bold, confident, in-your-face circus that takes it to the next level with masterful performances and a sprinkling of attitude, all set to an awesome hip hop score. The show was packed with gravity-defying action from start to finish and featured the diabolo, headstand trapeze, hoops, juggling hoops and clubs, juggling bouncing balls, aerial rope, aerial straps, and handstand blocks. Traditional this packed-out show was not.

It began with a choreographed sequence that briefly introduced the performers and MC for the evening. A few laughs later and the first act with the headstand trapeze was up. The level of skill, balance and flexibility was off the hook, a real delight to watch as the body perfectly balanced, upside down, while the trapeze swung and spun and looped around the stage.

The diabolo act was another mind-bending experience, set to one of Kendrick Lamar’s jazzier numbers.

The diabolo went along trajectories and at speeds my mind had never imagined, let alone thought possible.

Another highlight was the aerial ropes act, set way up above the crowd and delivered with incredible confidence, agility and strength. The aerial straps did not reach the dizzying heights of the roof but again showcased a skilful display of strength.

The juggling acts were at a level where the eyes could barely follow the intricacies of the moves. Though there were a few tumbles along the way, the fresh combinations, creativity and speed of the juggling was truly awe-inducing.

Some elements of burlesque presented throughout the show. The performance using handstand blocks was a fluid balancing act fused with dance and beautifully executed. The cheeky spinning hoops act and a naughty little interlude featuring a gender-bending performance added another fun layer to the mix.

There were many moments of electric recognition, moments when the artist and the object with which they are working become one and you feel that the medium is an extension of their body, so tight is the execution. A truly spectacular and innovative show, full of talent, attitude and imagination, PHAT CAB CLUB is not to be missed.