Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Lorna Mackie | 08 February 2019

DAD, presented by The Blue Room Theatre Summer Nights & Emily Stokoe, is a truly stunning piece of theatre. DAD explores themes of masculinity, male relationships and changing perspectives of childhood in a funny, beautiful and deeply personal exploration by three incredible performers.

This performance of DAD is the premier run after workshop development as part of the 2018 WAAPA Performance Making graduate showcase, TILT. The show is extremely slick and well put together; it does not feel like a premier run at all.

The audience enter into a room filled with pillows and are introduced to the three performers (Isaac Powell, Jarryd Prain and Marshall Stay) in identical onesies. The juxtaposition of the childlike pillows, pillow forts and onesies against some of the adult, harder themes is an inspired choice.

Performed in a storytelling style, the audience is entertained with an array of touching, funny, sad and thought-provoking anecdotes and reflections of the life of each performer and their memories and relationships with their fathers. The simplicity and flexibility of the pillow stage design supported the intimacy of the show.

The three performers are fantastic, and represent some of Perth’s best local emerging talent. The show has a structured improvisation feel to it, with clear stories and points but a sense of honesty and fluidity in the storytelling. While all three were brilliant to watch, a special mention needs to go to Powell for his soul-bearing honesty. I don’t think there was a person in the audience that didn’t want to give him a hug and a cup of tea at the end of the performance.

The themes of masculinity, perception of men and male relationships are thought-provoking. In the Gilette-the-best-a-man-can-get and toxic masculinity era, this is an honest, refreshing and fascinating take on how men view themselves and other men, and the kind of men they want to be.

Despite its thought-provoking and honest themes, the show is extremely funny. It is layered, honest and the comedic timing of the performers is perfect.

A fantastic Fringe show, and a wonderful addition to Perth homegrown theatre.