Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Alex Ridley | 15 February 2019

Forget roses and chocolates. This year discover how the universe brings us together at Scitech’s Dome Date Night.

Taking place in the iconic planetarium, the premise of this production initially seems rather flimsy.

Astrophysicist Leah takes her audience on a guided tour of celestial couples in the night sky above, anthropomorphizing the delicate relationships between moons and planets into starry-eyed clichés about love.

But a sense of incredible wonder begins to take hold as she journeys deeper into the cosmos.

In her soothing voice, set to a quietly evocative soundtrack, Leah contemplates the ephemeral nature of space as well as the extraordinary circumstances that allow us to survive here on Earth.

The incomprehensible scale of the universe is slowly revealed, stoking existential anxieties while somehow making our little human relationships seem far more precious.

You cannot help but be touched as Leah finds parallels to human love represented again and again throughout the cosmos.

In fact, you may leave wondering whether love and gravity are really all that different.

Dome Date Night is a singularly beautiful and thought-provoking experience.