Customer Reviews:
2 reactions
Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
Recycle that, would see again
Recycle that, would see again
Emotional roller-coaster
Emotional roller-coaster
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Greatest of all time
“Greatest of all time”
Great family and kids show from Matty again. Loads of audience interaction and keep the whole family entertained.
Reviewed by Alexander S.
26 January 2025
Greatest of all time
“Greatest of all time”
Awesome Fun
Reviewed by Barry W.
26 January 2025
See all customer reviews for GAME ON 3
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Nanci Nott | 29 January 2025

If you could smoosh every game ever played into one live action experience, Game On 3 would be the result.

From the moment Matty Grey appears in his shiny astronaut suit, it is all systems go for this novel show. Structurally layered, with an A plot pertaining to Among Us (in real life), a game show B Plot, and a C plot of stand up comedy, multiple layers of interactivity, hilarity, and storytelling merge to create a cohesively funny whole. Inciting mischief and entertaining audiences, Matty Grey and his assistant maintain a lively tone without descending (too far) into chaos.

Nostalgia-inducing visual aids feature prominently throughout the performance, as our two presenters take their audience on a journey through the history of gaming. From the release of Pong to the murderous origin of Mario lore, old school references abound, accompanied by rhyming riddles, audience interactions, and hilarious asides. Unstoppable banter, both scripted and improvised, keep the young crowd fully engaged even in the midst of flying barrels and nerf gun bullets.

There are plenty of opportunities for audience members to take aim at the presenters, both verbally and with foam projectiles. Side note: toilets, poop and punk music are as good a combination as they sound. From cult hits to obscure gems, this show references a variety of video games brought to life with jokes, props, and humorous audience interactions. Adults are not excluded from the fun, as kids and their parents are pitted against one another in a video game trivia battle, spurred on by the promise of sugary treats.

Structurally satisfying and energetically executed, Game On 3 is the perfect intergenerational Fringe experience.

Warning: Do not see this show if you hate fun, laughter, or video games.