Customer Reviews:
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Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
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Greatest of all time
“Greatest of all time”
Do Not Miss This Show.....fanbloodytastic
Reviewed by Donna S.
17 February 2024
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Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Miranda Crispin | 12 February 2022

A high energy, sexy and comedic romp into mythology.

GODZ is a spellbinding riot from cheesy start to stunning finish. With a storyline (very loosely) based in Greek mythology you’ll get to see Cupid, Hercules, Apollo, Dionysus and more; like you never have before! These well-seasoned performers are amazingly talented and will push the limits of what you think a human body can do. Bringing their own brand of storytelling and comedy to this ancient setting, these acrobats are just mesmerizing to watch.

Every facial expression or little hand slap adds to the hilarity and makes this show easy to watch and so enjoyable, you’ll wish it was longer! A very cheeky routine with the shining of buttocks and some well-placed golden plates will have you hot under the collar and roaring with laughter all at the same time. Cupid’s arrow will be caught mid-air (if he can aim well enough!) and Hercules will have you dancing and clapping along in your seat. 

The comedy aspect of GODZ is only rivalled by the impressive physical feats performed. Muscular bodies in peak fitness are an impressive sight to behold, even more so when they are balanced upside down on their head on a trapeze. The trust and friendship between these performers shines through as they work together effortlessly to immerse you in this world they’ve created. Add to all this the amazing lighting effects and pumping sounds and you’ve got an incredible show, even worth seeing twice - if you can get tickets!

This show might send you straight to the underworld but by the GODZ will you have some fun on the way there!