Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Danielle Sergijew | 18 January 2022

One, Two, Three CLICK… well It was actually 5 but who’s counting.

Come to think of it, I actually lost track of the side stitching snorts encountered throughout the skits, performed by the brave members of the audience; who subpoenaed themselves up on stage to be utterly and completely hypnotised, by the incredibly charismatic and comical Mr Matt Hale. 

Right from the welcome, it’s a high energy environment with the opportunity to clap, cheer and cackle being often and plentiful. If you think this is a show where you will be chosen or pulled up on stage, rest assured you are safe. 

Nothing is enforced, only invited. Fun is the main element of the evening enjoyed by all and not a  clucking chicken in sight, for those wondering.

When a member of the audience volunteers  themselves to go under that’s truly where the term stage fright ceases to exist, as participants totally embrace each and every instruction given. From strutting supermodels that ooze sex appeal, transformed into rigid robots that readily pause at the click of a finger, stopping as a seemingly perfectly still statue. 

The type of intense stillness observed of those on stage is equal to that of a street performer (you know the ones) and at that point I was sold on the power of the mind and boggled by the actualisation that I was witnessing an acclaimed Hypnotist at work.

In saying that, throughout the performance there were three volunteers kindly instructed by Matt to return to their seats in the audience, perhaps unable to maintain a deep hypnosis for the prolonged period. This process is smooth and doesn’t disrupt the  performance.

As an award winner at FRINGE WORLD Festival multiple times over it’s an absolute delight to experience the talents of a local Perth performer fuelled by a  passion for his craft.

It’s a must see from me!!