RoboWrite! the ai playwright

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Ticket prices: $30.00

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Duration: 50 min

Performance accessibility

  • Aural Rating
  • Visual Rating

1 Venue

Chevron Science Theatre at Scitech Discovery Centre

Scitech Discovery Centre , Cnr Sutherland st & Railway parade, West Perth, WA, 6005

Minors can only attend this venue with a parent or legal guardian.

Suitability and warnings: PG

Coarse Language:


Please note:

Each RoboWrite! performance will include content and references from the scheduled adapted text. Please note the text being adapted at your chosen performance.

Kleenheat Sizzle Factor: Medium

Something for almost everyone. Not too naughty, not too nice. These shows mightn’t be ideal for the little’uns.

About this event

From the brains of every writer published online, comes a script the actors have never seen.

Every night a new cast of actors perform a script live on stage, with a twist, the script was written and edited by AI!
We asked generative AI to write a 50 minute stage adaptation of a well-known text for 4 actors and a narrator. We took that script, ran it through an AI editor, and hit print. Each day the amazing talent performing around Perth will read them for the first time, live on stage, for you!

Been a while since English class? Our narrator gives a brief synopsis, but for the best experience, we suggest reading the spark notes or watching the movie first.

26/1 - Dracula
02/2 - Romeo and Juliet
09/2 - AUDIENCE PICK! (find voting & winner on our socials)
15/2 - Oliver Twist
16/2 - Pride & Prejudice

Presented by:
Pre-Game Theatre

From the creative team behind Booze & the Bard, Midsummer Dreams and Dancing Monkey's of Spijker's Twist, Pre-Game Theatre makes modern adaptions of classical texts for festivals all around Australia.

Fringefeed reviews

  • Artificially Scripted: The Mixed Fortunes of 'RoboWrite! – Fringefeed
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5 reacts

Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
Recycle that, would see again
Recycle that, would see again
No idea what I just saw
No idea what I just saw
Not my cup of tea
Not my cup of tea
Sexy fringe show
Sexy fringe show
Emotional roller-coaster
Emotional roller-coaster
Laughed so hard I cried
Laughed so hard I cried
See more reacts Leave your own react

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Season has ended