Harmony Sounds is Perth's own boutique wedding and Event entertainment music. Specialising in harp and multi-instrumentational period music. Servicing many events and festivals across Perth and regional WA.
Recently enjoyed a sold-out season in Melbourne Fringe Presenting 'A Knight at the Movies' Accolades include Balingup Medieval Carnivale, York medieval Festival, Guildford and Glen Forrest Medieval events.
Bardcore Babes - a Medieval Music Bonanza

About this event
Two minxy minstrels walk into a bar – to bring you tunes of old and anew!
Hear all your favourite medieval music and modern-day songs like you’ve never hear them before - Bardcore Style!
Harmony Sounds presents a medieval music extravaganza, featuring Perth’s own multi-instrumentalists/vocalists Sarah and Pippa. Be transported in time and space in the dark ambience of Perth's Cheeky Sparrow Bar. You will feel like you stepped into a tavern of old - reminisce about legends from an open world, sail on the high seas aboard a pirate ship and with a sea shanty or 2 and giggle at a medieval Dolly Parton! All while sipping on the fine drinks and gourmet delights on offer from the bar. Be serenaded by these sirens of song just don’t forget to toss a coin to your minstrelesses on the way out!
Presented by:
Harmony Sounds