Ruah Community Weekend

2 - 4 February 2024

For the second consecutive year, we are joining forces to raise crucial funds in support of Ruah's vital services.  

Ruah Community Services delivers wrap-around support for people experiencing family and domestic violence, homelessness, mental health challenges, and as a result, needing legal advice and support.  

This year's collaboration takes on a special focus by shedding light on the collective effort needed to eliminate Family and Domestic Violence (FDV). Introducing the inspiring "What's Your Piece" campaign, we aim to engage individuals in contemplating their role in ending FDV, emphasising that even small actions can create a significant impact.   

Building on the success of last year, when over $10,000 was raised, we are eager to surpass this milestone. 

How can you support Ruah during FRINGE WORLD Ruah Community Weekend 2024