ARTRAGE & Woodside Enter New Partnership
Posted in Media Releases

The non-for-profit registered cultural charity ARTRAGE has today announced a new partnership with Woodside Energy that will enable the NFP to deliver a new Philanthropy Program. ARTRAGE
CEO Sharon Burgess said that the funding and in-kind support will build ARTRAGE’s capacity so that the organisation has a future source of philanthropic income.
“As the third largest arts organisation in the state, ARTRAGE needs to achieve its philanthropic potential so that we can become a more sustainable organisation with a diversified and balanced income portfolio,” Ms Burgess said.
“We are grateful that Woodside has agreed to support this organisational goal, which aligns with our vision to embed arts in the hearts and minds of all Western Australians.”
The partnership will see Woodside transition from a sponsor of FRINGE WORLD to a sponsor of ARTRAGE, with the support to be directed towards staffing, technology, planning and donor servicing to enable ARTRAGE to build a robust philanthropic program.
Ms Burgess said that Woodside’s support is one step towards ARTRAGE achieving a more balanced income portfolio, to bolster the organisations core financing and ensure the long-term viability of its cultural activities including FRINGE WORLD Festival, Rooftop Movies and Girls School. Ms Burgess added that,
“Our community derives enjoyment and employment from our activity, in particular from FRINGE WORLD Festival, but we are an organisation that needs sufficient state government and private sector support to survive and grow for the benefit of our community. Woodside has been a significant supporter of our organisation for many years and we are excited to be embarking on a new phase of the partnership.”
Woodside Senior Vice President, Corporate and Legal Daniel Kalms said that building the capacity and capability of partner organisations underpins Woodside’s approach to social investment. “This new partnership will help ARTRAGE achieve their financial sustainability goals and delivers a significant flow-on benefit for culture in the State. We remain committed to our long-standing association with the arts and creative sector, bringing energy and vibrancy to the Western Australian community,” Mr Kalms said.
Ms Burgess acknowledged that there are some activists who do not want arts organisations to be associated with fossil fuel companies but clarified that, “ARTRAGE is not in the business of making political statements or taking a stance on the subject; we will leave that up to our artists.”
“ARTRAGE believes that it is in the best interests of all our stakeholders that we pursue funding opportunities that enable us to achieve our vision for the community. As a major employer in WA and a major contributor to our state’s economy, it’s right for Woodside to support an organisation like ARTRAGE. Likewise, it’s right for FRINGE WORLD artists to be free to make their art and voice their opinions without compromise. This new partnership between ARTRAGE and Woodside allows for both realities to exist together.”
Jo Hos, Marketing Director / 0430 552 962
Photo by Tenae Francis
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