Eats & Drinks at The Pleasure Garden
Your guide to the culinary delights available at The Pleasure Garden!

Power Plays, Polyester, and Betrayal: The Drama of Netball Like You’ve Never Seen
Scandal to rock the nation as Australia's greatest living athletes take centre court...

Giving good WOW from 17 Jan - 16 Feb...

Worms Don't Last Forever...
This is your final chance to swoop on EarlyBird 2for1 tix! Snag your juicy half-price tweets and schedule a mid-week pick me up before it's too late.

Sizzling Shows for Opening Week!
We've got some smoking hot acts for you to check out this week...

Sessions with Auslan Interpretation
Auslan is the majority sign language used by the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community in Australia. In these sessions, an interpreter stands side of stage, live translating dialogue into Auslan.

Trapeze Me, Daddy
Check out these Circus and Cabaret & Variety shows if you're looking for tightropes and loose times...

With ONE week to go we've got some top-notch recs for opening weekend!

12 Days of Fringemas Sleighed It
We have our Fringemas Raffle winner and the Box Office is back !!

Top Picks For School Holidays!
Check out these rootin' tootin' good times that the whole fam will enjoy!

Cups Filled with Cheap Thrills
Whimsy and wonder awaits you at The Pleasure Garden with Cheap Thrills!

SPOILERS: Puzzle Answers
Got stuck? Check out the answers to our puzzles in PLAY Magazine from 4th January.