Power Plays, Polyester, and Betrayal: The Drama of Netball Like You’ve Never Seen

Beneath the show's comedy lies a deeper story about the lengths we go to in pursuit of glory. Whether it’s winning a championship or claiming a crown, the parallels between the Bard’s tragedy and the competitiveness of grassroots sport are hilariously — and uncomfortably — accurate.
Power struggles rule in a world of polyester uniforms, oranges at half-time, and vicious rivalries on and off the court.
The stakes have never been higher as Coach Duncan faces the fallout from losing key players due to suspicious injuries, scandals and betrayals beyond anything you've ever seen.
Think what went down between the Jets and the Sharks was bad, you haven't seen anything yet...
Watch on from the edge of your seat [/the court] as the Dunsinane Hell-Hounds rise up and battle it out with the Dagger Divas in an epic showdown for the ages.
Will Coach Duncan rally her motley crew of misfits and take the crown - there's only one place to find out...
If you’ve ever screamed at a teammate for missing a shot or plotted a coup in the name of social netball supremacy, this show will feel all too real. But even if your only connection to netball is a vague memory of high school PE, Lady Macbeth Played Wing Defence is unmissable.
So lace up your sneakers and grab a seat court-side.