The Fringe Fund

Fri, Jan 6 2023
The Fringe Fund helps FRINGE WORLD artists shine!
The Fringe Fund

Simply by purchasing a FRINGE WORLD ticket you are helping our artists.

If you want to go further, then consider a donation to the Fringe Fund.

Launched in 2016, the Fringe Fund is one of the many initiatives managed by ARTRAGE, the producer of FRINGE WORLD, that has the success of artists at its heart. ARTRAGE is a non-for-profit registered charity.

Donations to the Fringe Fund support the FRINGE WORLD Awards and Keep On Fringing grants.

The FRINGE WORLD Awards celebrate the best at the Festival and since 2012 more than $330,000 has been paid to Award winning artists.

Everyone who purchases tickets to FRINGE WORLD has the opportunity to contribute to the Fringe Fund by adding on a donation at checkout or by donating below.  

We thank you for your support of our artists.  

Click here for more information about the Fringe Fund and how to donate.