Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Jackie Raphael | 20 January 2021

Take a recess from life and unwind with a night of crude humour. This show offers variety as the one hour of entertainment is split across three stand up comedians - a guy new to teaching, a man who quit studying teaching to become a comedian and a current teacher with years of experience. The first performer was Cody who brought great jokes about race, sexuality and dating. His outfit reflected his unique style, with a teacher flair. Cody was very captivating, energetic and fun. 

Mickey D focused on the theme of family, giving a very different perspective on life compared to Cody. He threw in various teacher related jokes that landed well with an audience predominantly made up of primary and secondary educators. However, most of his jokes were about his children and wife. He is loud and confident, pulling the audience into his narrative with his enthusiasm. 

The always charming Daniel Delby was wonderful not only in his own stand up set, but also as the host of the evening. As he does in all his shows, Daniel wowed the audience with his amazing freestyle rapping using lines from an audience participation activity only minutes before. It was both hilarious and impressive. I would have enjoyed watching more of his material in the night. He is definitely the strongest of the acts. He is always able to turn a flat moment into something hilarious. Whether it is not being able to read someone’s handwriting or not being able to clearly hear an audience member’s response, he is fast to turn anything into a joke. 

This show is not just for teachers to enjoy, although they will certainly find it very relatable. With stories about blunt kids and students you can never forget. All three comedians were interactive with the audience, but none relied on meanly picking on people. There is a lot of swearing from each of the performers, which mainly added to the humour. You will be laughing all night until class is dismissed.