Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Abby Osborn | 16 January 2021

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the unluckiest person in the world? Well, for Alex, she does not have to imagine. Her parents are breaking up and now she has to move houses, and it is all her fault.

Enter Tet, the luckiest cat in the world, who agrees to help Alex change her luck. And so, they embark upon a journey of luck, fate, and optimism. This journey comes with challenges that Alex and Tet must face if they have any hope to make Alex lucky.

This year, Monkey Brain Theatre has created a beautifully simple story for FRINGE WORLD Festival. It asks you to question the role that luck plays in your life and suggests that there might be more you can do about the situations that surround you.

Even though this show poses some important questions it does so, so very delicately. The presentation of the show itself offers both adults and children the opportunity to reflect on Alex’s journey. 

An empowering story coupled with seamless set design and puppetry truly make this show a unique experience. Notably, Tet stands out as a star character that engages the audience with his feline qualities. This puppet characterises its animal counterpart impeccably from fears to pastimes. Tet is a hit with the kids who watch his antics with rapt attention.

The Lucky Cat is a show for all ages. It captures the imagination and reignites childhood wonder. The fantastical world that Alex and Tet find themselves in is something straight out of a Ghibli movie. You will find yourself transported through time as you get lost in this story.

The Lucky Cat is a quirky and funny show that will have everyone laughing along. You will not regret taking the family to see this delightful show.