Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Amanda Rahim | 20 January 2020

Wear some comfortable shoes to this show, because you might want to get up and dance.

We went on a soulful music journey with Movin’ Melvin, and rightly named, the show is called “Y R U Laughing?” and we the audience are thinking, “why is he laughing?” It didn’t matter because we were laughing too.

Melvin had us smiling and dancing, we could feel his energy and he just wants to dance and sing for us.

Each song from his American upbringing gave us an insight as to where he found his inspiration to express through dance and song.

I’m really impressed with the energy he brought each time the next song started, as if his legs were bottled up with excessive amounts of energy and he needed to shake it out by tap dancing.

Mr Movin’ Melvin has a very beautiful soul, and he expresses this through his infectious smiling, iconic laugh and beautiful singing voice.

He’s like the uncle that’s always dancing at family events in some sort of dorky yet charming way and we love him for it.

This show is perfect for the soul-music lovers. With a combo of soul, pop and a touch of gospel, you can clap, raise your hands, stomp your feet and have a good time.