Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Amanda Rahim | 20 January 2020

Be transported into lands far far away! FairyFales is the adult story time you need for more storytelling in your life.

Feel the beauty and sorrow within each story, these actors had flair, drama and engagement, it’s a level of storytelling that I have missed since I was a little kid.

There is no set structure here, just a collection of young story tellers sharing tales from various lands.

While they might sound like old school fairy tales, this crew has jazzed them up a bit with a touch of their own modern input.

Each storyteller had their own style of setting the scene and it was nice to have different paced stories, some with old fashion moral or meanings, or some that I’m not really sure what direction it’s going and why.

But if a maiden can fall in love with a hedgehog-human hybrid, or an adventurer can beat up a dragon with a magic ring, then I don’t really care what the final moral was, I certainly had fun along the journey.

There’s a lot of swearing and adult themes so don’t take your little ones to this story time!

I felt a more appropriate setting would be inside a medieval-style tavern, with ale, bards, and perhaps a lute or a harp. But I didn’t really need these because I felt like I was already there.

Whisked away with a touch of our imagination, it’s a great show to see in between other fast-paced shows.

You should get some tickets and head along!