Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Amanda Rahim | 04 February 2020

Very entertaining. A quick-fire kind of show: if the crowd doesn’t like the comedian, they will be “Gonged” off stage after 30 seconds, and then the next victim takes their place. Brutal, yet hilarious. There were definitely a few gems in the bunch that didn’t get “gonged”.

Great chance for fresh or experienced comedians to try out new material, they’ve got guts. It’s all a bit of fun, but if the crowd isn’t feeling it – Gong!

As the audience, we were given little “gong” signs to hold up if we weren’t feeling it. Took a little while for people to not be shy about it, but by the end there were a lot of audience members confident with their gong signs.

The hosts were great.

What’s a comedy gig without front row hecklers? Heckle them back and it makes it a good show. I was impressed with the range of material all the artists had; some of it worked, some of it didn’t. That’s where the gong comes in.

A great venue at the Perth Comedy Lounge. I would recommend going to any shows here, it had a great set up and good service. I would gladly see more shows at this venue.

Fun and interactive, great show concept and the hosts made it work.