Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Cameron Scull | 04 February 2020

Maybe it’s just me but funerals always feel like incredibly awkward affairs. From stilted speeches to sudden outbursts of emotion, few feel entirely comfortable at all.

This is something that performer Michael Burgos knows only too well. In his instantly captivating and often bewildering show, Burgos takes us through perhaps the most surreal funeral ever.

You see, poor Tomas has kicked the bucket after a lifetime of gorging himself on fried eggs. He’s mourned by a cast of six increasingly bizarre characters and slowly we realise Tomas wasn’t quite the man we knew him to be… mounting an endangered rhino’s horn on a Yellow CATBus being only the beginning.

Burgos is an exceptionally theatrical performer. He gives each and every character his all both physically and vocally, whether he’s playing an uproarious Southern preacher or Tomas as a toddler.

Unfortunately, this can occasionally break out in irritating quirks (one character insists on frequently snorting), however you can’t help but admire the man’s skill. He’s often at his best in purely silent moments, including one particularly memorable moment with a case of gasoline, and could have easily been a star in the age of Chaplin and Keaton.

Throughout the show, the audience is transformed from silent observers to key parts of Tomas’ life. His widow is even sung a heartfelt ballad. It’s a clever ploy to bring the audience onboard and absolutely works when the show may have otherwise felt a little too detached from reality.

No matter what you might be expecting, The Eulogy will upturn any expectations. Like all funerals it’s often awkward and hard to know how to react. Yet it eventually becomes apparent that this is likely the reaction Burgos is looking for. The Eulogy is a singular experience that you won’t forget in a hurry.