Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Harry Frochter | 07 February 2019

Amelia comes on stage like a maternal burlesque – breast pump and expressed breast milk in hand with her breastfeeding bra exposed. Welcome to the life a new mother.

For the next hour Amelia takes you on a rollercoaster story about her life, where she exposes her dysfunctional family.

She condenses her life story from liberating to lactating, sex deprived, sleep deprived and from a repressed teenager to a sexy MILF today.

Growing up in a small country town she didn’t know she had a gay dad.

Though she didn’t come from a textbook family this however provides plenty of material for her show. In fact, she has made several different shows because she has so much to say.

Just as Amelia confesses to some errors in judgement, the audience themselves also participate in Confess Your Mess, a sign that everyone can admit to embarrassing questions.

She reveals she was an exotic dancer but not a very good one though she was Dux of her school.

Mixed with her storytelling she sings original songs that she wrote, even one about vaginas.

All her defining moments in life seemed to be without clothes on. She wrote her own birth plan which leads into a playlist of songs about labour.

Like all new mothers her world changed forever. Being a mum is her greatest joy but also her greatest challenge. This frank exposure, all mothers can relate to but it’s simply the best (or breast) that we can do.

Amelia has a beautiful voice and inter-spread with comic moments, had the audience in constant laughter.

This show is highly recommended for all expectant mothers.

Men don’t be put off by the largely female audience, you will enjoy the show just as much.