

"So I think it's fair to say that most women almost definitely do masturbate, we just wait to discuss it in an oddly anonymous but public situation like this one" written by an anonymous woman; performed by an unprepared man.

No rehearsal, no preparation, no holds barred; this show is the thoughts of one woman when she thinks about sex with men. A different man every night is charged with reading her script aloud, sight unseen, in front of an audience -- you! Tackling not just sex but sexual politics, this important but anonymous female voice is brought hilariously to life each night by an utterly unprepared performer.

Presented by The Royal Court and now making its West Australian premiere, Manwatching is a funny, frank and occasionally explicit insight into heterosexual female desire.

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Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Stuart Moore | 19 January 2019

The lights go down and we are presented with a magenta lit stage with a central desk and chair, a plant stage left and a lectern stage right.

Out comes a man holding a script and proceeds to read the monologue.

This is a thought-provoking piece about women’s attitudes to sex with men.

And it is basically one woman’s views, delivered by a man.

The script is unrehearsed and although the performer (a different man each night) is hand-picked from the producers’ book of suitable men, the reading is sight unseen.

So the script is very tight but the delivery is variable and relies on the ability of the reader to bring meaning to the words.

We were lucky on the night because our performer added considerably with his pauses, inflections and facial expressions.

The monologue never quite settles into being either a comedy played for laughs or a diatribe challenging the areas which have long been taboo for women to talk about publicly.

Predictably the monologue covers first experiences of sex as an adolescent and moves into adult relationships.

The comedy aspect comes into its own when the topic moves on to masturbation and orgasms and particularly the associated bizarre fantasies in this woman’s ‘toolbox’.

Along the way there are plenty of funny moments – as so often the name Tom Cruise pops up for an easy laugh, even Elizabeth Bennet gets a mention for Jane Austen fans.

But then the narrative lurches into something more serious and the audience switches from laughing to learning.

Although the audience was predominantly female, there is plenty in this show for the men who get there.

There’s even a chocolate bar on offer for someone of quick wits – always a winner.

This is a cleverly put together show with some choice observations on what women really think about sex with men.