Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Stirling Kain | 30 January 2019

Sad TV Man was energised entirely by comedic chaos, unexpected twists and infallible erraticism.

If you are looking for a simultaneously light-hearted yet intensely consuming production, this show is faultless.

Somehow successfully addressing a demographically-diverse audience through incredibly niche references of yesteryear, this show will leave you in stitches, and is absolutely unmissable.

Making this show unique and hilarious were the dynamics between, and distinction of, each character.

From the ostentatious and conniving people-pleaser Bob to the politically-fixated producer Kate, even down to a satirical Yes Loans CEO, the combination of such diverse and farcical figures was a stroke of genius.

The key to Sad TV Man’s endless hilarity was the script.

Enlivened with on-theme gags, long-running quips, and memorable one-liners, the audience never waited long to be met with some witty remark or sarcastic irony from one of the brilliantly formulated characters.

Every single joke received a lively response from audience members; a testament to the quality of the production, and the creators’ dedication to knowing their audience.

In the gift that kept on giving, the unexpected characterisations and plot twists kept the audience on tenterhooks.

Defying stereotypes, the dancing tradie and the criminally malevolent charity spokesperson delightedly shocked the audience throughout.

Too, the incorporation of other comical stereotypes rapidly altered the plot’s trajectory and kept the audience on their toes. From start to finish, Sad TV Man was the best kind of rollercoaster ride.

Certainly, there was no shortage of niche, early-2000s television references.

Shane Warne, Grant Denyer and Hughey’s Cooking Adventures all had their five minutes, as well as a host of other figures and shows that will doubtless induce nostalgia.

One of the key contributors to the production’s success were these references, so anyone who watched television in this period is in for boundless entertainment, regardless of their social demographic.

Through its remarkably singular concept and execution, Sad TV Man was like nothing I have seen before and doubtless, will see again.

As a simultaneously satirical and empathetic throwback to television gone by, this production is a must-see at this year’s FRINGE WORLD Festival.