Obviously, when you get into work on Monday, everyone will be talking about what they saw at Fringe on the weekend. And if you want to come with the most unique, most quintessentially Fringe, most ‘words-can’t-describe’ experience; this is the show for you.
While I was lining up outside to get in, I thought I’d treat myself to a quick scan of the show description; a rarity when my social-media-washed brain usually takes a 0.5-second glance at the picture, adds to cart, and checks out immediately. And when I saw the word ‘drag-umentary’ I truly had no idea what to expect or how these little documentary-style videos would be woven into the performance.
What we got though, was an unexpected triumph.
While the filming was amateur and the budget was nowhere near lapel-mic worthy, it was so tender and vulnerable, it added hugely to the audience’s understanding and appreciation of the art form we were seeing. As our journey to come to know each Messy Friend continued, the audience became more and more engaged, and that Fringe feeling of the audience and the performers becoming linked hit fever pitch. How generous the artists were with their journeys, their life experiences, and their inspiration made this show impossible not to love.
The quality of each performance was above and beyond my expectations. The choreography, the costumes, and the delivery were outstanding. Even if this is the fiftieth Fringe show you see this year, there’ll be something you haven’t seen before, and you’ll definitely leave with something to think about.
Get tickets now, they’re about to hit the world stage and you want to be able to say you saw it first.