Glitz, glam and glory holes! The glamorous Jens Radda sparkles as Skank Sinatra. The only thing bigger than her personality on stage is her hair.
This WAAPA trained drag queen is a piano playing, Dutch singing delight. Weaving a tale of escape from the wilds of South Africa with a chorus of comedic cabaret, she’ll take you across Australia and back again and all the way to the Berlin nightclub scene.
Jens is a fabulous entertainer you just cannot keep your eye off. Draped in classy red silk and the most glittery and expensive plastic jewels seen on a stage she smashes out Sinatra hits with ease and adds her own sense of style and fun with a powerhouse voice that fills the fabulous venue. Who knew drag and ole Frank would be so good together. Skank Sinatra is hilarious, fabulous and a pure delight.
‘Music transcends, transforms and brings a smile when we need it the most.’ – this absolute gem of a performer brings all that and more.
Get to Aces Downstairs at His Majesty’s Theatre and be whisked away by the nostalgia of Sinatra wrapped in cabaret and have a laugh along the way.