Customer Reviews:
2 reactions
Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
Laughed so hard I cried
Laughed so hard I cried
Recycle that, would see again
Recycle that, would see again
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Greatest of all time
“Greatest of all time”
A great set from the great man.
Reviewed by Beresford D.
02 February 2025
Laughed so hard I cried
“Laughed so hard I cried”
My best mate and I drove four hours and even caught a train to see this bald bloke hilariously complain about a chip shortage. My mate was all about the "asshole content" and absolutely loved it. Honestly, I’d give it a 100/10! The best part? Two old blokes walked out after just two minutes of ass talk. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does! Highly recommend it for a good laugh!
Reviewed by rachel b.
02 February 2025
See all customer reviews for Tommy Dassalo - Main Character
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Jack Hicken | 31 January 2025

Tommy Dassalo’s Main Character nails the sweet spot between familiarity and crisp freshness. It’s stand-up that’s easy to dive into, hitting the right beats without overstaying its welcome. At his best, Dassalo inserts his self-aware main character energy into those everyday “what the hell just happened?” moments, like a hand inserting itself into a bag of chips.

Indeed, Dassalo moves through his set with the passion of a man who’s discovered his favourite flavour of chips. Not just any chips, though—one very, very specific kind. The pacing is quick-yet-controlled thanks to Dassalo’s sharp delivery—everything flows comfortably as the inner-city Melbourne dweller settles into his element, linking new ideas with ease. His humour taps into quirky absurdities: wedding guest misadventures, the oh-so-(knowingly)-in-vogue absurdity of an ADHD diagnosis and the mystifying magic of a bespoke homemade g-string. Even when riffing in uncharted territory like the perfect circumstances to behave like a serial killer while lying guilt-free to your partner, or explaining the precise vector angles necessary to ruin an Airbnb’s reviews, Dassalo’s modern-man vibe suits the Perth Fringe crowd.

His humour isn’t just about punchlines; it’s how he connects these oddities to his unique view of the world. And while Dassalo’s stand-up treads familiar slice-of-life comic ground, relatable enough to keep you hooked, he somehow also able to make an entire room of strangers mourn the loss of a chip flavour most have never tasted. Ok, ok; let’s get to the crunch. Boulder Canyon – Sharp White Cheddar chips are the star of the show. This chip is Dassalo’s rosebud. If any viral influencer marketing teams are paying attention, Tommy’s your guy. I want those damn chips. Thankfully, unlike this review, Dassalo’s tight set and charm leave his audience with a satisfying series of cheddar-themed chortles that never feel too, ahem, ‘cheesy.’

It’s comedy made for a broad-yet-artisanal audience—full of irreverence but never out of reach. Unlike Boulder Canyon: Sharp White Cheddar. RIP to the sweet prince of the chip world—we hardly knew ye. But even if it never comes back, Dassalo’s return will be a welcome one at least.