Swirling like comets caught in a whirlwind is the story of “i can still see all the stars”.
A simple stage with a solitary double bed, draped with fabrics sets the scene, the props are immeshed in symbolism and used to great effect to articulate a queer love story steeped with playful romance, haunting trauma and everyday tragedy.
The two performing the characters Tessa and Andy are skilled actors, transitioning quickly between scenes, time and place. The poetic dialogue and swift transitions have the potential to obsfusicate the audience but the performers and their interplay provides clarity and meaning.
The story of the two loves is complex, haunting, heartwarming and gut-wrenching. A story so often felt by queer folk but rarely seen on stage. Its tenderness and acknowledgment of the heaviness and lack of belonging that can be felt makes this story potent and important to share.
The music and the lighting are effective at cultivating atmosphere and assisting scene transitions. Lanterns are used to enhance the storytelling and the performers know their parts well, easily bringing their audience along on the emotive journey. The talented direction and skillful delivery showcases this as a beautiful and melancholic queer love story that is delicate and as special as a shooting star.