The Millenium Falcon and Darth Vader helmet sit a lightsaber's distance from the black grand piano. The collection of brass instruments is lined up at the front of the stage. When the band comes out, there are lightsabers, Darth Vader masks and the saxophonist is in full rebel fighter pilot costume.
James Sewell (saxophone) has pulled together some of Perth's jazz musicians to create the Star Wars nerd’s dream: The Empire Strikes up the Band. In the cosy and dark confines of The Ellington Jazz Club, we are taken to a ‘galaxy far far away’.
As any Star Wars fan knows, the music played by the band in the Mos Eisley Cantina is based on 1930s jazz. In that musical vein, James has spent five months arranging music for a Star Wars Jazz music event.
As a Star Wars nerd myself, I loved the classic John Williams Star Wars music but also liked being stretched into the newer themes such as the Mandalorian and Star Wars gamer music. The band is engaging, funny and talented. James says, “He plays clarinet, saxophone and does cosplay. It’s the Treble Alliance.”
During the night each musician gets a solo part including the double bass, keyboards, drummer, trumpet, flugel horn, saxophone and baritone sax. The Empire Strikes up the Band are performing again at Ellington Jazz Club on 15th February for Fringe World. In addition, the same musicians perform Gamer Jazz Level Up on 21st January.