Poorly Drawn Shark
Andrew moves to Singapore, where his features shine and his skin is
extra-white. But, in profile, he still looks like a child's drawing of a
shark. And he must keep moving forward, though he smells blood.
tackles self-loathing in this solo show that really hates itself, but
still thinks it's better than you. Poorly Drawn Shark is a brutal attack
on conventional storytelling: drenched in salt water and biting hungrily
at Australia's fetishisation of Asia.
Nauseating, grotesquely funny
and brutally aware, prepare to Eat, Prey, Hate in this autobiographical
takedown of western travel narratives. Created with and directed by Vidya
Rajan, Poorly Drawn Shark sees theatre-maker Andrew Sutherland (Unveiling:
Gay Sex for Endtimes) dredging the shallowest of waters: himself.