Yes! Yes! Yes! What an absolute mood. Scurry yourselves into the Spegieltent, groove to the pumping music, buy a raffle ticket and buckle up, you’re in for one hell of a ride.
This show is immediately fire, the opening act stormed the stage, it was a fierce, sexy, direct hit and the battleship went down. Now if you’re going to have a Briefs show, you’re going to want to get you one of the greatest MC’s of all time, fortunately for you all Tash York is immaculate, their energy is kaleidoscopic and the humour they bring is rapid-fire, you will start off amused and they just get funnier in the very same sentence. Tash’s makeup is amazing and when they sing it is with such emotion and power, I would be unsurprised if it was the cause of seismic activity.
Enter Diesel Darling, who had undoubtedly perfected the art of burlesque, the cheeky, playful, sexy and funny crowd engagement is deftly delivered with finesse and honestly when she emerges - corset-clad in rhinestones and fluttery feather fans that look like angel wings - I don’t care who you are, you are going to experience both wonder, awe and gratitude that you get to witness such an amazing performer do their thing.
Crystal Stacey brings a whole new dynamic and uses hula hoops to hypnotise their audience into watching their skilled performance. Crazy Brownie unleashes their chains in an act that is equal parts empowering and sexy, witnessing this kind of liberation was vicariously freeing. Rhiannon Cave-Walker might actually be one of the most incredible acrobatics I have ever seen, drawing everyone into her aerial act, this reviewer was struck by its dark and illustrious magnificence. Andy Cooper’s strength and energy makes their performance absolutely enthralling, that circle ring of death was handled with some impressive skill.
The entire ensemble were incredible performers and the inferno that Kitty Bang Bang created was hot on every level. If you are in the mood to see someone skilfully remove their clothing while handling literal fire then this is the show for you. This production was outstanding, no notes, all of the stars.