Welcome to FRINGE WORLD, Christine Ibrahim and the cast of Wonderfully Terrible Things. It’s a privilege to see an edgy and original show which is new to Perth. Call it salacious cabaret, call it mischievous circus, it’s one hell of a ride.
Warning. This show is not for the easily fazed. There are warnings at the door and a ‘safe word’ is introduced early on, but if you are ok to give it a crack, it is such fun being in the hands of Christine and the team for some Wonderfully Terrible Things.
Make no mistake, this is Christine Ibrahim’s show. The self-styled Cirque Songstress inhabits it with her prodigious talent as singer (presenting original songs) and pianist, and guides the narrative around themes of sexual adventure, drugs, women’s rights and personal reflections. Christine has a great voice and a wicked wardrobe to present her assets in a mesmerising way but what also stands out is her wit and the consummate ease with which she interacts with and inspires the audience. I loved the way that Christine was so forthright and confident yet showed some of her vulnerability and let us into the challenging bits of her journey that have inspired her songs and informed her view of the world.
The supporting cast all brought something special too: Natalya Alessi gyrating seductively in a wonderful burlesque routine and showing whip smarts while wearing boots with ‘impossible’ heels. Quite the sight to behold. Captain Finhead relaxing insouciantly on a ‘daybed’ while dealing with a few flames and balancing various bladed weapons that probably should be kept locked away for everyone’s safety. Bede Nash displaying awesome gymnastic prowess presented with a bit of cheek.
Throughout the show there is always that anticipatory excitement bubbling around the De Parel Spiegeltent as to what might come next. And the show crescendos to a quite superb, bizarre and original climax. No spoilers but it’s unique and probably the ‘Fringe’ equivalent of a banger of an orgasm.