"The late-night talk show format is an undeniable staple of American and British television. With internationally recognisable hosts including Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien to Graham Norton and Alan Carr, the tried-and-true formula has a proud legacy of memorable hosts, familiar segments, and iconic moments in pop culture.
Despite Australia’s penchant for replicating everything our inter-continental friends put onto film, late night talk shows never really found their footing in Australia. That is, until the advent of Rove [LIVE]. Perth expatriate Rove McManus captured the nation with his broad, accessible comedy and casual interview style, entertaining Aussie audiences from 1999 – 2009.
I’m sure there are essays and think pieces and Twitter threads exploring the how and why of Rove, but save your thumbs. Rose [LIVE] brings the magic of Australian talk show culture directly to you with a speigeltent spectacular skewering the antics of the popular host and the late-night genre as a whole..."