Customer Reviews:
1 reactions
Laughed so hard I cried
Laughed so hard I cried
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Laughed so hard I cried
“Laughed so hard I cried”
Reviewed by Joel T.
30 January 2024
See all customer reviews for 30 Minutes Comedy Quickie
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Helen O'Sullivan | 14 February 2024

Stepping into the show after a long day's work, I found myself amidst a cozy, intimate gathering. Despite the modest audience size, there was an undeniable sense of camaraderie, as if we were all in this together. True to its name, "30 minutes..." promised brevity but delivered a punch of entertainment that made it all worth the time.


Comedy, as we know, is no easy feat. It takes guts to stand in front of a crowd, especially for those who often identify as introverts. Yet, there was a palpable empathy in the air; we understood the vulnerability that comes with putting oneself out there, and we rooted for the performers to succeed.


The evening kicked off with our MC and the first act, with the aim of breaking the ice with witty banter made it feel more like a casual conversation among friends. Each subsequent comedian brought their own flair, engaging with the audience and sharing relatable anecdotes. While the jokes may not have guffaw worthy, they brought a smile to the group as it resonated with our experiences.


What stood out was the diverse backgrounds of the comedians, allowing them to weave in stories of cross-cultural encounters without making anyone feel out of place. It was as if we were all willing participants in an audition, yet simultaneously at ease and connected to those on stage.


Were these the best jokes we've ever heard? Perhaps not, but as we left the venue, there was a collective lightness in our steps and a shared sense of enjoyment. And even after the curtains closed, we lingered, engaging in conversations sparked by the performance. It was a true taste of the fringe experience—raw, authentic, and inclusive, where everyone has a chance to shine. Kudos to the performers for a job well done.