Customer Reviews:
2 reactions
Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
Recycle that, would see again
Recycle that, would see again
No idea what I just saw
No idea what I just saw
Not my cup of tea
Not my cup of tea
Laughed so hard I cried
Laughed so hard I cried
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No idea what I just saw
“No idea what I just saw”
Not for everyone
Reviewed by Sarah O.
02 February 2025
Recycle that, would see again
“Recycle that, would see again”
Reviewed by Sam G.
01 February 2025
See all customer reviews for Bad Boy Buckley
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Steph Hale | 07 February 2024

Is Buckley a good boy? Or a bad boy?? Cast your vote in the latest deranged show from writer and comedian, Patrick Marlborough.


Patrick Marlborough annihilates Australian Politics in this hilarious and frankly disturbed production, Bad Boy Buckley. An action-packed hour of chaos, this show reads as Patrick’s delirious response to the absolute carnage currently enveloping the world.


Bad Boy Buckley is a welcome window into the mind of the enigmatic and ever-manic Marlborough. Sure to push buttons, Patrick never shies away from the grittier elements of the state of our nation (when not being censored by a government-imposed shock collar).


If Marlborough’s previous Fringe production, Killing Rove, was a fever dream, Bad Boy Buckley is a fever nightmare. That’s not to say it wasn’t enjoyable, quite the contrary, but it is an understandably hectic and unhinged reaction to conflict we’ve watched unfold during the last year (or 70). This show aptly reflects the mayhem we are all witnessing.


Dive deep into the uncanny valley with a bombardment of deepfakes and impressions. A star-studded panel of Australia’s finest go toe-to-toe with our host, engaging in a debate even fiercer than the 2003 Australian Idol finale. Patrick’s quick wit and knack for mimicry will leave you wondering what on Earth you just witnessed but deeply entertained nonetheless.


Bad Boy Buckley serves as a beacon of hope in a sea of stand-up, a notoriously hit-and-miss genre. Marlborough says what we’re all thinking, as well as a lot of things I’m sure no one else has ever thought in the history of mankind. This is the kind of show you’d love to see on television but due to Patrick’s unwavering and relentless honesty about the state of media and politics in Australia, I’m not sure you ever will. So get yourself a ticket and cast your vote in the referendum of a lifetime.