Energy and enthusiasm are the hallmarks of this two-man show. From the moment they burst onto the stage, Changing Jennifers give 110% and don’t miss a beat. It seems not even a Perth heatwave will slow them down!
Their ability to perform a one-hour show based on two movies, the titles of which are made known to them just seconds before they launch into producing, directing, and performing their own creation, is a testament to their amazing talent.
The movies proposed by audience members last night were Misery, a psychological thriller, and Candyman, a supernatural horror film. Candyman certainly isn’t my cup of tea - I personally would have liked a Misery musical melange, but them’s the breaks! That notwithstanding, Changing Jennifers demonstrated an admirable ability to make the best of what they were given, and the result was an entertaining movie mash-up.
I’m probably revealing my genre bias, but my favourite scenes were definitely those with Annie from Misery and Jenny 1. With an uncanny resemblance to Kathy Bates in voice and actions (so good), the scene was set, and we were delightfully transported to Annie’s creepy home in the “Pacific Northwest”. With only two chairs for props, it took clever stage dramatization (and an active imagination) to set the scene.
And who needs special effects? The dramatic and convincing fall and bounce across the stage after being horrifically shot was definitely Oscar material!
Well done Changing Jennifers! If the laughs and positive comments from the audience were anything to go by - you made the right movie mash-up!