Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Antonio Casella | 15 February 2019

A Trois is a clever piece, written by Barry Hall. Not the footballer, I’m sure.

It’s about connections and misconnections, about communication and more often, miscommunication. Sentences are left half-finished, up in the air, or launched like sharp little darts.

It’s about people not listening, just talking down at each other, or over and around each other. In short, people talking more for themselves than for each other. So, what’s new?

It takes good actors with quick minds and a good sense of timing to deliver that kind of repartee.

I’m glad to say that the three young actors in the cast Stephanie Ferguson, Jonathan Maddocks and Tarryn McGrath carry it off quite seamlessly. Remarkable, considering this was opening night.

The play is also about relationships and sex- more of the latter- played out on a couch. And what a busy little couch it is.

The players kiss and cavort, dress and undress, couple and de-couple, and re-couple. Romance and arguments follow in quick succession.

But A Trois does have its problems, one of which is that it’s a very short piece. Las night’s performance lasted less than 30 minutes.

Of course, brevity can be a virtue, nothing more tedious than a show that goes on and on.

But punters may be reluctant to pay money for a show than ends before they have time to settle in.

Still this show deserves an audience.

If you do decide to make your way to the Studio Underground you will be entertained by a vivacious, competent performance by three talented young actors.