Customer Reviews:
2 reactions
Laughed so hard I cried
Laughed so hard I cried
Recycle that, would see again
Recycle that, would see again
Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
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Laughed so hard I cried
“Laughed so hard I cried”
So funny! 🥰😀🥰 Great fun for the whole family 🥰😀🥰
Reviewed by Stephany L.
10 March 2024
Greatest of all time
“Greatest of all time”
Hilarious engaging talented act
Reviewed by Catherine K.
12 February 2024
See all customer reviews for PreHysterical Circus
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Jodee Lambert | 21 January 2024

“Awesome! Amazing! I loved it! Can we see it again Mum?” Children never hold back when they really enjoy a performance. This fantastic circus show is designed specifically for children from ages 3+, but there were even younger pipsqueaks in the audience when I was there, and they were as enthralled as much as the rest of us. Adults and children will love the slapstick (or should I say, slapCLUB?) comedy.


Head First Acrobats are the award winning circus company who have created this wonderfully joyous show. The clever premise is the storyline of three hapless neanderthals embarking on a curious journey together. Their adventures take them into caves, over rivers, into animal boneyards and finally falling asleep together next to a warming fire. All this in search of the eternal “nom, nom” of course, we all want a full belly after a big day out!


The talented and multiskilled performers of Chelsea, Harley and Alex are fantastic cave people who embody their characters of Cronk, Err and Ow! with merry delight, magnificent body language and hysterical facial expressions. Children love silliness and the fast-paced action throughout keeps the story running, as little minds can get bored easily, but they never do in this brilliant show.


The circus skills are very skilfully executed with powerful energy and finesse. Hoops, arial gymnastics and of course, acrobatics abound - and are carefully mixed into the caveman story to create a memorable and hilarious performance.


I loved the strength of Cronk flying up above in her silks, comedically trying to escape the trap in which the dorky duo of Err and Ow! have mistakenly caught her. She powers quickly through a range of difficult and breathtaking manoeuvres whilst maintaining her character’s frantic wriggling.


This show starts with giggles and audience interactions, even some traditional pantomime “It’s behind you” moments thrown in. It’s a wonderfully wacky experience that is guaranteed to make every parent a hero for taking their child to see it.


Perfect children’s entertainment!