Dirty Jazz
Jessie Gordon is no stranger to the darker side of jazz. Joined by the fabulously talented pianist Adrian Galante, Jessie delves into the depths of the dirtiest jazz tunes around for a thrilling speakeasy adventure. There are more filthy songs about drinking, thinking and fine dining than you can poke a stick at, and none of them are safe for regular consumption.
There are songs for the swooning moonshiners, those inclined to wine, those frisky for whisky and some odes to our favourite friends, those tenders of the bar. In the dark, dingy corners and smokey recesses of the Golden Era of Swing, there are songs to address your every desire, there is room for all your dirty deeds and time for you to unwind with a refined beverage.
FRINGE WORLD is once again bringing a chock-full of wonders to Perth, and this weekend’s show Dirty Jazz is by no means an exception.
Opening in Fremantle’s stunning new blues venue Duke of George, jazz singing icon Jessie Gordon and talented pianist Adrian Galanté make a hilariously raunchy, yet classy performance that will have you dancing, clapping and laughing your way home.
The show pulls up the dirtiest songs from the dark depths of the Swing era, sung in Gordon’s powerful and sensual tones.
Complete with her sparkling number and sexy updo, you’ll be transported back in time and shocked by the filthy undertones (and in some cases, not-so-inconspicuous-tones) of catchy jazz originals.
Gordon’s charismatic stage presence is complemented by Adrian’s witty remarks and accompanying musical notes, never failing to make the audience giggle and join in on the fun.
The performance decidedly picked up its pace as the night wore on, when the tame songs became less tame and wilder by the minute, relaying all manner of sexual encounters and desires through clever wordplay about nudist siblings, toe popsicles and ‘churning butter’.
The crowd favourite was definitely a song about a man desperate to marry, but finding every woman to be an illegitimate sister, ending with a comic twist making the crowd roar with laughter.
Of course, the outright filthiest song of all was left until last, and it was both parts disturbing and jaw-achingly funny, closing the night with a bang.
If you’re looking for something less raunchy, Gordon’s spectacular voice will still wow you in her more serious jazz performances at The Ellington throughout the next month.
Her spontaneous rendition of La Vie En Rose proves her to be not only skilled at hilarity but a genuinely talented artist.
Either way, for a night of charming sleaze and witty humour, Dirty Jazz takes the cake.