Customer Reviews:
2 reactions
Recycle that, would see again
Recycle that, would see again
Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
Not my cup of tea
Not my cup of tea
Sexy fringe show
Sexy fringe show
Emotional roller-coaster
Emotional roller-coaster
No idea what I just saw
No idea what I just saw
See all customer reviews
Greatest of all time
“Greatest of all time”
Great show! Loved that the amazing soundtrack flowed through this show and there was no MC, you don’t see that often. Amazing physical feats, great tunes, talented cast!
Reviewed by Cléo S.
18 February 2024
Recycle that, would see again
“Recycle that, would see again”
Fabulous Energy & Talent
Reviewed by Maureen C.
18 February 2024
See all customer reviews for Barbaroi
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Stu Moore | 20 January 2024

The show begins with a darkened stage into which a lone female emerges in search of some kind of solace, but she is seemingly rebuffed by each of the other five characters she encounters in the dilapidated industrial streetscape. She has entered the world of the Barbaroi.


As the action develops the six characters, as gladiators in their unforgiving world, all seem to go through some kind of trial allowing them to showcase circus skills of the highest quality.


Throughout, the atmosphere remains edgy with an elegant menace to each of the characters who come across as loners in a nihilistic underground society, but somehow they are all still very cool. A dark, driving, contemporary soundtrack continues throughout and very effectively compounds the feeling of alienation.


There is a significant wow factor to each of the individual routines covering a wide range of circus acts. I particularly liked the percussion juggling and some of the pole work is worthy of the gibbons enclosure at the zoo.


The physiques of all the performers are impressive - these guys are seriously hip and remarkably strong. There is a strut and ‘DFWM’ demeanour to each of the characters which is enhanced by the minimalist neon lighting and a little warrior-style makeup.


Barbaroi is full-on from start to finish, the acrobatics and dance routines which string the show together are great to watch and as each routine concludes you find yourself eagerly anticipating the next.


The show comes from the Melbourne-based After Dark Theatre and is a worthy and much-anticipated debut show at FRINGE WORLD.