Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Nanci Nott | 14 February 2023

PG Hits should not be mistaken for children’s comedy, although the youngest in the crowd will laugh as hard as any adult.

Every show has a different line up, but Ollie Horn - a great emcee who can make even the house rules seem funny - remains throughout the season to provide comfortable audience banter and duct tape, as needed.

For this particular show, British comic Gordon Southern braved the Perth heat to joke about pets and pooping in the woods. You can always tell when comedians hail from the UK because they generally open with jokes about the weather. Luckily, in this case, the jokes were quite good.

Robyn Perkins - whose bit delved into science as a spectrum, genetics, oxytocin, and being heckled by six year olds - combined interesting subject matter with an energetic and personal delivery. Her accessible-yet-intriguing child-friendly content incited that rare combination of curiosity and amusement.

Martin Mor, from Northern Ireland, kept the crowd engaged with upbeat charisma and comedy magic. He might have made reference to a slow motion car crash, but his well-paced set didn’t feel anything like one.

PG Hits fills the void where clean(ish) comedy ought to reside. The term ‘no swearing’ is not analogous with ‘no humour’, and this show serves as empirical proof, as it had the audience in stitches practically every second line.

PG Hits is not made for children, but it contains hilarity suitable for humans of all ages.