Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Stu Moore | 03 February 2023

Absurd, frenzied, irreverent and so much fun. Pure Fringe gold.

From the moment pre-show when I received the email warning me about the prospect of being splashed with tomato juice, I had a feeling it was going to be a banger of a show and so it proved.

Mish Mash ‘Toblerone’ from Belfast and Angelique Reckless Ross from Mandurah deliver a wonderfully zany crackerjack of a show.

The performance features some impressive circus skills - acrobatics, juggling, tumbling and balancing and there is even a bit of environmental responsibility – with a piece bemoaning the plight of our oceans.

But the heart of the show, and what makes it so enjoyable, is the dynamic performers. They work so well together. And they have ‘attitude’ – fierce yet insouciant. There’s plenty of eye contact with the audience but just when you think you’re getting the ‘come hither’ look it turns into the ‘don’t mess with us’ look.

The show is very messy but Mish Mash and Angelique bask in the messiness, and then clean it up. I loved the joie-de-vivre of the performance, and even when a trick occasionally didn’t quite turn out right the first time it just allowed the girls to dial up the energy levels.

Without giving too much away, here are just a few of the questions that this show may make you ponder:

Can you breakdance your way through your household cleaning chores?

Is tomato juice good for your skin?

Why is it really called a pop-up toaster?

Can you slam-dunk a tomato?

What do salt and vinegar crisps taste like at altitude?

It’s quite likely that after seeing Snatch and Grab you will want to go to Valencia and participate in La Tomatina, but, in the meantime, get yourself along to the Big Top and catch these wacky women in action.