Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Steph Murphy | 06 February 2019

Polly Polanski is navigating the rocky path of being single and thirty-something. It’s a path walked by many before her, and surely many after her, but in this case that’s the point.

Polanski knows her audience, and the audience certainly gets to know Polanksi, as her one woman show #singlelife is full of autobiographical anecdotes in which audience entertainment relies on Polanski’s experiences being funny and relatable.

The show opens with a brief get-to-know-you ice breaker with the audience, which acts as a hilarious demonstration of the predictable demographic in attendance.

#singlelife provides something different to the usual stand-up show as it alternates between live story-telling and short videos capturing Polanski’s single life in the wild.

The effect is a show with better production value than your average stand-up. However, Polanski is clearly still tweaking the format.

The potential is there but Polanski’s anecdotes go for just that little bit too long, with about half not landing on a solid punch line.

The result is that the audience is sometimes left cringing in sympathy rather than laughing along. This was evident by the way Polanski had to reassure the audience a number of times throughout the show that she was “alright, honestly”.

Many of the jokes are based on trending tropes about single women: wine, cats, and biological clocks. Whilst not particularly original, these tried and true topics still got a decent laugh from the audience.

The jokes may be on the safe side but for the target audience, anyone who has ever been single, it works. #singlelife is a good starter show for those uninitiated to Fringe comedy.

Polanski won’t have you laughing until your mascara runs but you’ll still delight in recognising yourself and your friends in her stories of braving the world as a 30-something single.