Customer Reviews:
1 reactions
Laughed so hard I cried
Laughed so hard I cried
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Laughed so hard I cried
“Laughed so hard I cried”
Reviewed by Maria M.
02 February 2024
See all customer reviews for Hypnotist Matt Hale: Top Fun! 80's Spectacular
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Miranda Crispin | 31 January 2023

I pity the fool! - who doesn't watch this show! 

Matt Hale is no stranger to the Fringe scene, having performed for many years with multiple shows to great success. His stage presence is infectious and energetic, whether it's getting people involved or racing around the stage dancing himself. He switches so easily between entertaining the crowd and putting the volunteers under that you'll wonder if they really are under a trance or not - until you see their terrible air guitar skills! 

This newest show is one big tribute to the 80's - from the music to the fluro wristbands, you won't be able to help singing along. Get ready to go 'back to the future', 'phone home' and 'walk 500 miles'! No matter if you're just a fan of the decade or actually lived it yourself, you'll enjoy this romp down memory lane and appreciate the classic musical hits. 

A hypnotist comedy show relies strongly on people being willing and able to participate so each show is different depending on the people volunteering. Which I highly recommend doing if you can be lulled into a suggestive state, although you won't remember much until your first drink after the show! Or if you just enjoy watching other people's imagination at work then this show is perfect for you. Matt's routine allows people to participate in a family friendly show and never embarrasses the participants, so you don't have to worry about doing something silly. And make sure you say 'Matt Hale' around the volunteers afterwards- the confused yells of woo-hoo are hilarious!