Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Weng Chow | 02 February 2019

Having performed at last year’s FRINGE WORLD festival with fellow WA comedian Joe White and competing in the 2018 Raw Comedy National Grand Final, Emmanuel ‘Emo’ Majok returns home to Perth to headline his debut solo show.

Dressed for the occasion, in a sharp black suit and crisp white shirt, Emo riffs and banters with the crowd with such ease and a sense of familiarity that one could be forgiven for thinking that they were having a yarn at a family BBQ.

Emo delicately delivers his jokes and punchlines in between his overlapping stories about a wide range of indelicate topics including cultural appropriation, white colonialism, and racial stereotypes.

As the title of his show suggests, Emo is really not quite grown yet and his jokes tell a story of a young adult moonlighting as a father with 2 young kids and a beautiful wife. With a soft-spoken and introspective voice, Emo discusses issues like childbirth, alcohol, parenthood, and former one-night stands and is able to step in and out of each subject as easily as a Texan country line dancer moving to the beat of Cotton Eye Joe.

Hosting his first ever solo gig, Emo can be easily forgiven for some of the jokes that may not have elicited a big laugh but these will likely be ironed out as he tightens his performance over the many shows to come. What does this mean? It means Emo is only going to get better

Emo is a raw comedic talent and a must see for anybody who is a fan of stand up. He brings a calm and soothing presence to the stage and delivers his routine with an ease and confidence that can only come from having survived both war-torn Sudan and Ballajura Community College.