Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Chelsea Hayes | 22 January 2023

If you’ve ever been to a stand-up comedy show, I’d bet you a bag of chips that there was only one woman on the lineup (at most). Aliya Kanani is doing her bit to break down barriers in the male-dominated world of comedy with her new variety show at FRINGE WORLD this year, All That She Wants.

Not only has she pulled together a strong lineup of hilarious women, she’s set them the task of making the audience laugh while also teaching them something. Cue a show packed with life hacks that are sure to stick in your memory.

A Canadian comedian and academy award-nominated actress known for her successful solo show “Where you from, from?”, Kanani has a strong stage presence and enraptured the crowd with her bubbling energy from the first moment. Just when you think you knew what she was going to say, she’d end a sentence with a twist that garnered a hearty cheer or outburst of chuckles from the audience.

The laughter kept flowing throughout the show with three confident comedians taking to the mic.

One of the great powers of the comedy medium is that it can foster understanding of others through entertainment. Kanani’s selection represented a diverse range of women’s voices.

To kick off last night, up-and-coming local comic Aves Robins spoke candidly of her experiences as a trans woman, while to end, we met Gill Cordiner, a 56-year-old Scottish expat and self-proclaimed cougar.

Fifty minutes flew by with non-stop jokes, anecdotes and advice. There’s also a chance to win a bag of chips by sharing your own best life hack.

It’s just a pity that the audience was 95% women. It’s time to see more men listening to female voices. So book tickets for this show and make sure to take at least one guy from your life along with you.