That play is set like a fighting ground, then a boy and a girl. They don’t talk to each other. Simple but powerful, you are the recipient of these long monologues and it's impossible not to be touched by them.
They told their story of wounded young life which both landed in this remote, end of the road type of town. The depiction of their town and of their life makes you feel uneasy, wondering what lies beneath.
Chloe and Chris have nothing in common, if not their disconnection from their family and class mates.
Chris and Chloe are interpreted by two engaging actors who manage an incredibly dense and visceral text, delivered at an intense rhythm and with a poetic touch. They live this story even up to some powerful facial expressions which helped people to read in between the lines.
Serious and sad matters for a real tragedy, it is not very uplifting but nevertheless it is great theatre, powerful script with dark and light moment. I enjoyed it very much.