Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Cameron Scull | 07 February 2019

It takes more than just natural talent to run a worthwhile Fringe show. Most of the time it strongly depends on hard work.

This is never more the case than during a pre-dinner show on a slow Wednesday. Yet the Laugh Mob were more than up to the task.

Hanging out on the top floor of the Universal Bar wasn’t your usual stand up show. Instead it felt like a casual catch up with three unique friends.

Decked out in full basketball kit, Liverpool’s Kyle Legacy opened the show and warmed up the crowd.

Legacy almost completely relies on banter between himself and audience members, so this was a great way to know him and also each other. Legacy played loose and casual host throughout the evening and kept us laughing between the sets to follow.

South African born New Zealand raised Ruven Govender was next. Govender is friendly, instantly likeable and wins the crowd over quickly.

His set does however feature a fair share of slavery jokes which creates more guilt sweats than belly laughs in a crowd whiter than the Himalayan snow.

Still, his Tinder misadventures and proposal for a future Indian James Bond provoke genuine laughter.

Sam Kissajukian (from Sydney) was the Laugh Mob’s closer and highlight. Delivering authentic and relatable laidback tales, from dominating girlfriends to simply making the bed, Kissajukian rarely missed.

Even while battling a rather merry Englishman in the second row or consistently poking fun at the gladly amused reviewer, Kissajukian’s set felt tight and polished and made a great finale.

All three comedians worked hard to deliver an entertaining set on a quiet evening. You can only imagine the power they’d wield in a packed house.

Give The Laugh Mob a go, you might just discover a brand new favourite.