Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Layne Dixon | 28 January 2022

She is strong is a circus and contemporary performance that speaks about the artist's personal journey struggles with mental health. Starring Natural Wings, Stephine Pick, Crystal Stacey; these three amazing ladies will make you cry with their stories, but also will blow you away with the performances that they do in She is Strong. 
Emotional and heartfelt performance that you don't want to miss. While these ladies were doing their circus tricks, they had a pre-recording which was played in the background, and this was of their own struggles with mental health. 
Crystal got back up on her feet in the past 18 months from having screws and metal plates in her body to keep her joints together. I really enjoyed the tricks that she showed us with the hoops that she was using. 
Steph talked about her struggles with having an eating disorder from a very young age. When I heard this, my heart dropped for her. As someone who used to be an athlete, I can relate to how hard the expectations is. 
Natural Wings attempted to have a natural birth at home which left her in hospital for a while fighting for her life. Through the swings of emotional and listening to her story we could really feel and imagine what she was going through. 
Having the pre-recording playing in the background really helped me to understand the performance. All of these ladies had their own act which was related to the struggles that they were facing at the time. She is Strong made many of us teer up during show, but I highly recommend that you see this show. Their final performance is on Sunday the 30th of January! 
The venue is wheelchair accessible. It's in a tent right next to the steps of the Girl's School. This event isn't great for people with sensory issues. The event is loud. There is a lot going on in the event, and there are flashing lights during the performance.