Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Josh Woodward | 21 January 2022

It could be a priest, an Irishman and a golden retriever. It could be a robot, a blind man and a priest. It could be an Irishman an Englishman and a Scot. Don’t be too worried about who walks into the bar at this show, it could be any local or international performer ready to grind out a cheeky fifteen-minute spot. You know the drill, they walk into the bar, you walk into the bar, they make you laugh, and the bartender says, “I’ve never met a seeing eye dog that could play the bag pipes.”

At the gig I caught, we were treated to performances from Jo the Scottish terrier, Perth’s own Corey White and another great comedian whose name I asked for after the show, but my phone autocorrected to “Rabbi.” I apologise for this slip up but hope he recognises the irony of having his name confused with another character apt to walk into a bar. He is one of several outstanding African comics working Fringe this year.

Jo the Scottish terrier brings some life experience to the stage, and isn’t afraid to tell the younger ladies in the crowd what they have to look forward to in middle age (or should I say look down at?) She is a sparky comic that will make you cringe and cry.

I was very pleased to see Cory White on stage after seeing him at Fringe last year. He remains one of Perth’s most promising comics and has an incisive grip on today’s pressing social issues. He walked a bit of a fine line between preaching and joking at last night’s set. However, we are all a bit weighed down on now. And, as Cory points out, it is tough for comics to walk the high-wire act of the demanding modern audience. When he gets the mix of cynicism and humour right, he feels like one of Perth’s most exciting comedians. I hope to see more of him at this year's festival.