Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Phil Bennett | 16 January 2022

What a fun night this was – 4 comedians telling it like it is, in their own quirky little ways, and a red hot MC in Jon Pinder who had you laughing before you'd even settled into your seat.

Opening proceedings with his own brief set, Pinder got the ball rolling right from the get-go, setting everyone up for the night ahead and serving as the perfect opener for the upcoming acts backstage waiting their turn. Self-deprecating and with the rare ability to insult while making someone feel good, he regaled us with anything from tales of his nanna’s privates to a stirring Moby rendition. You know things are working when the laughs start coming in the first minute.

Rory Lowe spun tales of police encounters, Nadia Collins gave a scarily accurate impression of an invisible dog in her role as single female loser, Blake Richardson initiated paroxysms of laughter with his distinction between cat and dog owners, while Pete Sharkey was an absolute riot as he set the room alight with his descriptions of the ridiculousness of some of society’s most pointless activities and nuances.

Of course, when you're dealing with 5 different comics, each with their own style, some will work better than others. But thanks largely to Pinder's opening rally, the audience were ready to roll with it and the laughometer was running hot for most of the night. Add to this, the promise of different selections of artists for each performance, it's one of those shows you can quite easily come back and see a second time knowing there will be new material to enjoy.

A smashing night with a wonderful range of stylists and laughs aplenty for all in attendance. And these days, what better way to spend an hour? An absolute romp!